1 Using These Docs🔗

Introduction and Usage provides a high-level overview and includes installation and setup instructions. Learn the language by going through the Tutorial, and read When Should I Use Qi? for examples illustrating its use. The many ways in which Qi may be used from the host language (e.g. Racket), as well as the ways in which Qi may be used in tandem with other DSLs, are described in Language Interface. The various built-in forms of the language are documented in The Qi Language, while Qi Macros covers using macros to extend the language by adding new features or implementing new DSLs. Principles of Qi provides a theoretical foundation to develop a sound intuition for Qi, and the Field Guide contains practical advice. Input Methods contains recommendations on editor configuration to help you to write Qi effectively.

This site hosts user documentation. If you are interested in contributing to Qi development you may be interested in the developer documentation at the Qi Wiki. The wiki is also your one-stop shop for keeping up with planned events in the Qi community.